Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin With Dashboard UI Kit – Material
Material Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin is a Bootstrap 4 Admin with a fresh, new Material Design. We are very excited to introduce our take on the material concepts through an easy to use and beautiful set of components. Material Dashboard was built over the popular Bootstrap 4 framework and it comes with a couple of third-party plugins redesigned to fit in with the rest of the elements.
Material Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard is light weighted, completely responsive, and features tables and charts. It can be used by developers developing web applications like custom Admin Panel, project management systems, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM, business websites, etc.
Material Dashboard UI Kit is a well-crafted template designed for admin panels and dashboards. Each page is spaced well, with attractive layouts and satisfying shapes.
More than 100+ features and widgets and plugins are included here to make your work easier.
Works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet, and all other smartphone devices.
Materiel Bootstrap Admin Template
Material Bootstrap Admin Web App Provides Dashboard and it consists of RVUs by Provider (Monthly), Current Accounts Receivable Aging, Monthly Charges and Collections, Current Collections by Day, and Total AR by Payer.
Chart Widgets
Materiel Bootstrap Admin Templates Comes with Chart widgets in Orders Overview, Profit.
Flot Charts
Materiel Admin Template Comes with Flot in Interactive Area Chart, Line Chart, Full-Width Area Chart, Bar Chart, and Donut Chart.
Morris Charts
Materiel Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Comes with Morris in Donut Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Area Chart, Line Chart, and Area Chart.
Statistic widgets
Materiel Responsive Premium Admin Template comes with Statistic widgets.
Materiel Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template comes with Weather App.
Materiel Responsive Premium Admin Template comes with Widgets.
Button UI
Materiel Dashboard Template comes with Gradient Buttons, General Buttons, Light Buttons, Button with an outline, light Button with an outline, Rounded Buttons, Light Rounded Buttons, Rounded Outline Buttons, Light Rounded Outline Buttons, Button Sizes, Flat Buttons, Light Flat Buttons, Button with icon, Split buttons, Button with Dropdown, Circle Buttons, Horizontal Button Group, Vertical Button Group, Social buttons Icon with Name, Social buttons Icon, Social Icon With Circle buttons, Application Buttons.
Material Premium Admin Template Provides App and it consists of Chat App, Contact/Employee, Support Ticket, Userlist, Calendar, Emails, Profile, and Userlist Grid.
Forms & Widgets
Material Admin Dashboard UI Kit Template Provides Forms & Widgets and it consists of Advanced Elements, Code Editor, Markdown, Editors, Form Validation, Form Wizard, General Elements, Formatter, Xeditable Editor, Blog, Chart, List, Social, Statistic, Weather, and Widgets.
Charts & Tables
Material Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Provides Charts & Tables and it consists of ChartJS, Flot, Inline Charts, Morris, Peity, Simple Tables, Data Tables, Editable Tables, and Table Color.
Sample Pages
Material Premium Admin Template Provides Pages and it consists of Blank, Coming Soon, Custom Scrolls, FAQ, Gallery, Invoice, Pace, Lightbox Popup, and Pricing.
Google Map
Material Bootstrap Admin HTML Templates Provides Google Map and consists of a Simple Basic Map, Market with Info window, Over Layer Map, Polygonal Map, Routes Map, and Styled Map.
Vector Map
Bootstrap Admin Web App Templates Provides Vector Map and it consists of World Map.
Material Dashboard Admin Template Provides Authentication and it consists of Login, Register, Lockscreen, and Recover Password.
Error Pages
Material Admin Dashboard Template Provides Error Pages and it consists of 404, 500, and Maintenance.
UI Elements
Material Premium Admin Template Provides UI Elements and it consists of Buttons, borders, Color, Dropdown, General, Icons, Advanced media, Modals, Notifications, Draggable Portlets, Ribbons, Sliders, Bootstrap Switch, Sweet alert, Tabs, Horizontal, and Timeline.
Best Material Admin Template Every i am using from last one year i like it very much admin template.
We are Glad to hear this because you purchased our Material admin template.Thank You…
One Of the Best Material Bootstrap Admin Web App for mutual fund related ..
Thank you Sir , We also value customers like you, that’s why we make our Material Bootstrap Admin Dashboard even better by understanding your suggestions.
I just started a business of mutualfund Material and I used this admin template for my business. , I feel very happy to tell that because of this template, I am getting a lot of help in my business.
Thank you sir, and you who are using our Material Bootstrap Admin Web App. , We have added many new functions in it, it will make it easier for you to do a lot of work.
I bought this Material Dashboard Template on a black Friday sale and it got me 50% off. I really love it.
Thank you sir, we never sell Material without quality products to our customers, that’s why we have been doing business with loyal customers like you for years.
Such a good Material Admin Dashboard Template interesting pages and designs Thank you very much!
Your appreciation helps us to make our Material Admin Dashboard UI Kit better.. Thank you
“The limit is….. that there is no limit.”” Excellent. Salute to you, beautiful explained and created for Material Bootstrap Dashboard….
Thank you very much for appreciating our Material Responsive Admin Dashboard Template.
Never thought that this Material Admin Dashboard Template from this website is going to be such great. Great Work
Thank you sir, we always do full verification before selling our Material Premium Admin Template. , That’s why I never complain about our template.
This is a feature Awsome, well documented and well designed Material Admin Template . There are so many ways to customize the Template !
We also assure you that you will never have any problem with our Material Bootstrap Admin Web App.. Thank you sir
Very workable Material Admin Dashboard Templates, with many useful features. Thank you multipurposethemes.
We are happy to do business with a loyal customer like you because of the loyalty you appreciate our Material Dashboard Admin Templates. Because of that we get the courage to create such a good admin template.
Absolutely well documented and used strong codes great work. This Material Admin Template is Simple but the best designs of Dashboard.
Thank you sir, if you ever face any problem with our Material Bootstrap Dashboard, then tell us without any hesitation, we will be happy to help you.