When it may be time to change your website design: 4 easy-to-see signs
Do you have your current website for a while now and you were wondering why its popularity started decreasing? Well, if your website design does not perform as desired anymore, the answer may lie in the outdated design and functionality of the site. Things change over time, changing ever faster in the past years, especially if we are talking about design and technology, so there are high chances that you’ll need to change the way your website looks and works if not even start over again with a brand new website. There are even 4 easy-to-see signs when it comes to having an outdated web design. So do check them out and see if they are present in the case of your site.
Your ROI is going down
The truth is that no one enjoys accessing a site that looks and works poorly. It is like allowing clients to enter a dirty shop. Your website is the business card of your company, so you cannot allow it to look bad. If your ROI is not as you want or it is following a downward trend, then you definitely need to do something about it. Have you checked the websites of your competition? How are they looking? Are they offering something you don’t? Updating the design of your website and providing a site that people enjoy visiting and using is the best thing you can do for your business. And a Website Design Marketing Agency in Halifax, Nova Scotia will help you out.
2017 caught you with an unresponsive website
While you still have time to get a responsive site, since 2017 is just the year when the importance of mobile responsiveness was brought to the attention of website owners, you should do this as soon as possible. Both users and Google appreciate a mobile responsive website and this will be seen in the numbers related to the success and efficiency of your site. So make sure you take care of this because time is short.
Your site is still designed after the trends of 1999
So, you have the website for several years already. Don’t you think that it may use a revamp, a change in web design by following the latest trends? Having in consideration that trends changed significantly in the past years, most certainly your website is considered outdated by its visitors, even if it was rather popular back in its days. If this is true, then you definitely need a Website Design Marketing Agency in Halifax, Nova Scotia to help you redesign your entire site.
It takes more than 3 seconds to access your web page
Even though 3 seconds don’t seem much to you, these days it is unacceptable for many people for a website to take 3 seconds or more for it to load. Almost half of your visitors will choose to leave the site if it doesn’t load in under 3 seconds. Also, the image of your company and business may be affected by this aspect because people will interpret it as negligence and lack of interest in providing quality. So, do reassess the performances and image of your website and don’t postpone making the necessary changes.
If you are looking for services like Responsive Website Design in Halifax, Nova Scotia, or Website Design Marketing Agency in Halifax, Nova Scotia or Marketing Agency then you can drop us an email at info@websitedesignmarketingagency.com.